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The question is: Why read a book which has not been canonized . . . which men decided not to include in the Bible?
The answer is: Think about it, reason with God.
Fact: Many Prophets and Apostles quoted scriptures directly from the Book of Enoch.
Question: why should the WRITERS of the bible trust and quote what MEN decided not to canonize?
Are those MEN much smarter, wiser or more God-Fearing than the Prophets and the Apostles of the Lord of Hosts?
Answer: Really? Do you believe in the precepts, doctrines and the wisdom of men is better than trusting in your Lord and your God Jesus Christ?
Fact: If you were Noah, and if you were as wise as Noah, then YOU would do exactly what Noah did.
In those days: Men lived much longer lives.
Enoch lived centuries until he was taken away into heaven (With Elijah Enoch is one of the only two Prophets who never died).
Enoch's son was Methuselah lived longer than any other man in history.
Methuselah's son Lamech lived ???
Lamech's son Noah lived ???
In those days: Men lived much longer lives.
Enoch lived centuries until he was taken away (With Elijah, Enoch is one of the only two Prophets who never died).
Below is a graph of the Twenty Generations from Adam to Abraham.
Notice that this typically misinterpreted graph *presumes* that Enoch had *life span* of 365 years.
But Enoch's *lifespan* was NOT 365 YEARS!
The Bible does not tell us that Enoch ever died, therefore his *lifespan* cannot be defined.
The book which was written by Enoch, which NOAH took with him on the Ark, tells us where Enoch was *taken.*
The bible DOES SAY that Enoch "was taken," it does not say that Enoch was *taken into HEAVEN* as was Elijah.
The Book of Enoch — which was saved by Noah and which the Prophets and the Apostles quoted — tells us that Enoch was only taken "to the ends of the earth."
As it is written ...
"And previous to all these things Enoch was hidden, and not one of the children of men knew where he was hidden, and where he was, and what had become of him." [Enoch 12:1]
Below is the typically incorrect graph which the taught-by-men and ordained-by-men "teachers and preachers" think that they know ...
Notice above that the Ages of each person is from the Bible, King James Version (which is very limited in what is says about Enoch).
The Geneology from the KJV above differs from that in the Book of Enoch in only one instance: the actual age of Enoch was not 365 years before Enoch died.
Rather those were the number of years before Enoch was taken . . . to another place where men could not find him.
The reason for this variance is because the KJV does NOT say what actually happened to Enoch, it merely says "And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:  And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." [Genesis 5:23-24 KJV]
The bible does not say how long Enoch lived in this world, only that God had taken Enoch somewhere that other people could not find him in this world.
By contrast, the Book of Enoch is much more specific in Where Enoch was Taken and Why Enoch was not found:
"And previous to all these things Enoch was hidden, and not one of the children of men knew where he was hidden, and where he was, and what had become of him." [Book of Enoch 12:1]
Why is this variation important or relevant?
Because we must understand Why Noah Took the Book of Enoch with him into the Ark with his family.
The Book of Enoch explains much, much more about Noah and "in the days of Noah" which Jesus spoke about (in the last days).
When Noah was born the son of Lamech, Lamech noticed that the baby was very different from other newborn babes.
Because Lamech knew his Great-Grandfather Enoch . . . that Enoch had been shown by God all of His works and Creation, about Heaven and earth and angels and demons and the fallen . . . Lamech wanted to know what type of person his baby son was.
Lamech went to his father Methusaleh, asking him to inquire of Enoch what he must do:

Methusaleh cried out to Enoch asking him for guidance . . . because Enoch was NOT DEAD and he was NOT taken completely away . . . Enoch had been taken to a place where he was hidden from men and from the devil.
Enoch came to his son Methusaleh, and answered the concerns which Lamech had about Noah.
This is what Enoch recorded regarding Noah, "And after some days, my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him, and gave birth to a son. And his father Lamech was afraid of him, and fled, and came to his father Methuselah." [Book of Enoch 106:1, 4]
Of course, according to the wisdom of men . . . according to the precepts and doctrines of men which are NOT in the bible . . . they presume that Enoch was "taken" before Noah's birth — which is NOT what the Bible actually says!
Those men who created from there own imagination the laws of Canons . . . those man-ordained and man-commissioned people who were just barely believers in Christ at the time when these lesser disciples created according to and relying upon THEIR understanding . . . and they decided to not include any book or letter in "their version of the bible" which was not written in Greek or Hebrew — because they were not able read other languages!

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