Table of Contents.

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Table of Contents, Listed by Section and Chapter.
There are 20 Sections in this version of the Book of Enoch, translated directly from the oldest surviving manuscripts written in ETHIOPIC.
There are 108 Chapters in those 20 sections.
Main Webpages:
Table of Contents.

Book of Enoch Content:

© Copyright April, 2024
Owned by Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God.
To request reprint rights please ask the owner directly, and let us know what Jesus decided.

Table of Contents.

This version of the Book of Enoch is separated into 20 Sections and 108 Chapters.
Each Section contains between one (1) and sixteen (16) Chapters.
To navigate and to read the Book of Enoch you may:
1. either select a Section below (Click or TAP the section link),
2. or you may go directly to the Chapter you want to read (Click or TAP the chapter link),
3. or you may simply start at the beginning and use the Next Arrows at the bottom of each Chapter
Below there is a list of the Twenty Sections in the Left Column
and in the Right Column is a list of all  Chapters in that Section.
Links to Key Passages and Topics are included below in the appropriate SECTION Column.
The Parable of Enoch defining the future of the Righteous and the Wicked.
The book(s) of Enoch were written for us, for TODAY!
Key Passage 1:2. "The words of the blessing of Enoch ... but not for this generation, but for the far-off generations which are to come."
The Fallen Angels, the Holy Angels intercede for Mankind, the Dooms and the Kingdom of the Messiah,
The Vision of Enoch, the Fallen Angels ask him to intercede, Enoch goes to the Lord and returns to them with God's Word of their first and their final dooms.
Enoch journeys through Earth and Sheol.
Sheol (the underworld), the Luminaries, the Seven Mountains, the Tree of Life, the Lord's Jerusalem,
Key Passages in Chapter 33:
NOTE about above: Enoch was not 'taken to heaven" the Bible does NOT SAY THAT.
The bibles does say that Enoch "was not." Period.
Enoch did not die, Enoch was not taken on a chariot into heaven as was Elijah ... and Enoch's son Methuselah and Grandson Lamech could still ask Enoch requests and questions after Enoch "was taken" to the ends of the earth.
The SECOND VISION of Enoch, wherein he speaks to men "the beginning of the words of wisdom."
This is as far as I was able to get in noting Key Passages before publising this resource. Please feel free to
... in order to suggest other Key Topics ... or simply to say 'Howdy Pardner.'
The coming Judgment of the Wicked and the dwelling prepared for the Righteous, coming Elect One (Meßiah, the Messiah) and the Four Archangels.
Key Passages:
The Head of Days through the Return of Israel.
Key Passages (click to go to each):
The Third Parable of the Blessedness of the Saints and the Secrets of the Lights and the Thunder.
Key Passages:
The Behemoth and Leviathan, the angels measure heaven and Crist's judgment of the righteous.
Key Passages:
Enoch foretells his Grandson NOAH, the great flood and his personal preservation
Key Passages:
Enoch is shown the powers of  Creation and the LAWS of PHYSICS to this day; starting at Chapter 70 through Chapter 79.
Chapters 72 » 82 below: We at have grouped these together for the benefit of other physicists.
The Book of the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries (i.e. astrophysics today), Enoch's Book of Natural Philosophy (i.e. theoretical physics today), and Enoch's Book of the Winds and Portals, the Quarters of the World (i.e. the unified field theory and the forces majeure), the Seven Winds and Seven Rivers &cetera.
The Sun as is shown to Enoch by the spirit Uriêl, its paths, which are driven by the twelve Portals.
Chapter 73, the Moon and its phases.
Chapter 74, the Lunar year.

Chapters 76 » 80: The Twelve Winds (forces majeure) the Moon — its waning and waxing, the Names of the Sun (Orjârês and Tômâs) and the Moon (Asônjâ, Eblâ, Benâsê and  Erâe), the "the whole order of the stars will be kept from the sinners, and the thoughts of those who dwell on the earth will err concerning them, and they will be turned from all their ways, and will err and consider them gods."
Chapter 81: The mission given unto Enoch, "that thou mayest teach thy children and write for them, and mayest testify before them all, thy children; and in the second year they will lift thee up out of their midst."
The First Vision of Enoch, the Great Flood, written to his son Methuselah.
The Book of Visions begins — writng to his son Methuselah and to all the generations of the world.
Key Passages:
The Second Vision. of when the sons of God took the daughters of men as their wives and they begat "mighty men, men of old" and there were monsters and giants.

Key Passages:
Chapter 89 is a very large Vision ... from before the Flood, Joseph and Moses in Eqypt, the nation of Israel, Ezekiel and the shepherds the Lord is against ... to the diaspora and the return from Babylon.
The Flood and Judgment, the tower of Babel and Judgment, Babylon and the Diaspora and Judgment ... to the tenth week when sin will no longer be mentioned forever.
Key Passages:
  [Enoch 91:5-6]
Key Passages:
» Enoch and the Fathers and the Sons in the final days ...
Noah is born, his grandfather Methuselah went to the ends of the earth to inquire of Enoch (after the final translation of Enoch "and he was not").
Key Passages:
The Fifth Book of Enoch, written for us today.
Other essential webpages . . .
Table of Contents.

Credits . . .
The Book of Enoch website is derived from the  PDF which was downloaded free from
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, by WARREN F. DRAPER, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C.
This version was translated from the original ETHIOPIC text by REV. GEORGE H. SCHODDE, PH. D., PROFESSOR IN CAPITAL UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO, United States of America.
This website is Published for INCHRISTI.ORG at CUFFWAY.NET »

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