Breadcrumbs: The Book of Enoch » Section IX » Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 Section IX
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This is Chapter 58 which is in Section IX.
In order to review all the chapters in this Section go here » The Book of Enoch SECTION IX..
1. And I began to speak the third Parable concerning the just and concerning the chosen.
2. Blessed are ye, the just and chosen, for your portion is glorious!
3. And the just will be in the light of the sun, and the chosen in the light of everlasting life; and there will be no end to the days of their life, and the days of the holy will be without number.
4. And they will seek the light and will find justice with the Lord of the spirits; there will be peace to the just with the Lord of the world.
5. And after that it will be said to the holy, that they should seek in heaven the secrets of justice, the portion of faith [fidelity], for it has risen like the sun on the earth, and darkness has disappeared.
6. And there will be an unceasing light, and in the number of days they will not enter, because darkness will be destroyed first, and the light will be mighty before the Lord of the spirits, and the light of rectitude will be strong in eternity before the Lord of the spirits.